Data Options Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify whether the data is exported by control account or work package, among other things, when you export cost data to an IPMDAR file.

The data on this grid changes, depending on the data in the cost file. For example, if there are no work packages in the cost file, Work Package will not be an option in the Export data by field.

Field Description
Export data by IPMDAR requires that data be exported by control account or work package. Select your preferred method.
To date, current period, and To complete values are exported using the following rules:
  • If you select Work Package:
    • Acumen exports budget and earned values at the work package level.
    • Acumen exports actuals at the work package level unless the project collects actuals at the control account level, in which case Acumen exports actuals at the control account level.
    • Acumen exports forecast at the work package level unless the forecast class is at the control account level, in which case Acumen exports forecast at the control account level.
  • If you select Control Account, Acumen exports budget, earned values, actuals, and forecast at the control account level.
Export historical by Specify whether you want Acumen to export historical data using Time phased or Cumulative to date.
  • Time phased: Acumen exports all historical budget, earned values, and actuals as time phased data. This is only available if Acumen can find the source DCDE file that was imported. Acumen does not store the time phased cost data in the workbook.
  • Cumulative to date: Acumen exports all historical budget, earned, and actuals as Cum to date values through the status date.
Aggregate time-phase data by
  • None: Acumen aggregates the data to the control account / work package. No lower level detail (EOC, resource) is included.
  • Element of Cost: Acumen aggregates the data by element of cost.
  • Resource Assignment: Acumen exports the data by resource assignment.
    • If you export at the work package level, the export includes a record for each resource assigned to the work package.
    • If you export at the control account level, the export includes a record for each resource assignment aggregated to the control account. If the same resource exists on multiple work packages within a single control account, the values are combined to export a single resource assignment for the control account.
Use WBS/OBS combination as Control Account When you select this option, if there is more than one control account under the same WBS/OBS, Acumen combines them in the export. If there are duplicate work packages under the control accounts that are combined, those are also combined using the EVT from the first of the work packages to be combined.
Detail data contains

These options are read-only and reflect the data that was imported from the Deltek DCDE file.

  • Direct Values: Acumen includes direct dollars in addition to total dollars in the exported data.
  • Indirect Values: Acumen includes indirect dollars in addition to total dollars in the exported data.
Selected burdens are Non-Add

These options are read-only and reflect the data that was imported from the Deltek DCDE file.

  • Overhead (OH):
  • General and Administrative (G & A):
  • Cost of Money (COM):