Scenario Generation Group on the S1 // Projects Tab

Use the commands in this group to perform such tasks as cleanse, publish, accelerate, and export a schedule.

Field Description
Cleanse Schedule Click this icon to display the Cleanse Schedule dialog box to cleanse and resolve flaws in your schedule.
Accelerate Schedule

Click to accelerate the schedule to meet faster completion deadlines or to get a delayed project back on track. An Accelerate Schedule dialog box provides you with different accelerate options.

After acceleration, you can right-click on any Activity view column, select Show Column Chooser, and add the following Accelerated columns to report on and compare results:
  • Accelerated Remaining Duration
  • Accelerated Start
  • Accelerated Finish
  • Accelerated Total Float
  • Accelerated Free Float
  • Accelerated Script (the name of the script used to accelerate the schedule)
  • Accelerated: This is a checkbox that is selected if any of the following occurred with the acceleration:
    • Remaining duration was reduced
    • Predecessor lag was reduced
    • Successor lag was reduced
    • Calendar changed
    • Constraints were removed

You can also use the above fields on the Metrics tab for filters and formulas, and on the Metrics Define Columns tab and Detailed Report tab. You can use these fields to build metrics and run reports that look at the results of acceleration.

If you create an accelerated scenario, an Acceleration tab is added to the Activity Details pane for the scenario project.

Schedule Realism Advisor The advisor provides suggestions for calibrating each activity based on a given criteria. Click to display the Schedule Realism Advisor dialog box to select options and run the advisor.
Scenario Calibration Use these options to define settings for scenario calibration:
  • Create Scenario creates a new scenario for calibration.
  • Run CPM Analysis Runs the CPM analysis manually.
  • Run CPM Automatically runs the CPM Automatically.
  • Calibration Template displays the Calibration Template Editor dialog box which allows you to define the calibration template.
  • Unlock All Children unlocks all children of the selected parent. Each time you set a node, it, and its children, become locked so that any subsequent manipulation of uncertainty values higher up in the schedule hierarchy does not impact the explicit change that you made at the node level. Use this option to unlock the children so that you can change their values
Export Scenario Click to export (publish) the selected scenario back to its original format (Open Plan, MS Project, or Primavera). The file is scheduled/CPM-time analyzed in Acumen before being published and therefore has updated early/late dates, float, and so on.