S4 // Acceleration Tab (Acumen 360)

Acumen 360 is a schedule remediation and acceleration product. You use it to accelerate or compress project schedules to meet faster completion deadlines or to get a delayed project back on track.

In addition, 360 can be used to hypothesize acceleration options or model potential delays.

Note: You can also accelerate a project schedule from the S1 // Projects tab by clicking Accelerate Schedule in the Scenario Generation group.

Acumen 360 runs a CPM simulation running hundreds of iterations, progressively accelerating the project towards a defined goal using sets of user-definable criteria.

There are three acceleration options:

  • Automatic, Goal-Based allows you to define the acceleration target and let Acumen 360 automatically generate the schedule scenario that meets that goal.
  • Targeted allows you to define the acceleration goal and the criteria for acceleration (for example, accelerate construction activities by 50%).
  • Interactive allows you to accelerate or decelerate individual activities or groups of activities using the duration calibration sliders.

The S4 // Acceleration tab includes a script library/editor and a step library/editor.

Run an Acceleration from the S1 // Projects Tab

In addition to running acceleration scenarios on the S4 // Acceleration tab, you can also run them from the S1 // Projects tab by clicking Accelerate Schedule in the S1 // Projects Scenario Generation menu.

After acceleration, you can right-click on any S1 // Projects tab Activity view column, select Show Column Chooser, and add the following Accelerated columns to report on and compare results:
  • Accelerated Remaining Duration
  • Accelerated Start
  • Accelerated Finish
  • Accelerated Total Float
  • Accelerated Free Float
  • Accelerated Script (the name of the script used to accelerate the schedule)
  • Accelerated: This is a checkbox that is selected if any of the following occurred with the acceleration:
    • Remaining duration was reduced
    • Predecessor lag was reduced
    • Successor lag was reduced
    • Calendar changed
    • Constraints were removed

You can also use the above fields in the Metrics tab for filters and formulas, and on the Metrics Define Columns tab and Detailed Report tab. You can use these fields to build metrics and run reports that look at the results of acceleration.

If you create an accelerated scenario, an Acceleration tab is added to the Activity Details pane for the scenario project.