Cost Uncertainty Tab of the Activity Details Pane

This tab includes information about remaining cost, cost uncertainty, and risk notes.

Note: If you are working with duration uncertainty, then this tab is disabled.
Field Description
Remaining Cost This field displays the remaining cost for the selected item.
Probability of Existence This field displays the probability, in percentage, that a cost is going to happen in your project. If you are not 100% certain that a cost is going to happen in your schedule, you can assign a probability to reflect this confidence level. You can either enter a percentage in this field or in the % column on the S3 // Risk Activity grid.
Enable Cost Uncertainty Select this check box to enable cost uncertainty for the selected activity. When you select the check box, the following additional fields display:
  • Shape: Acumen includes three distribution types when modeling uncertainty: Triangle, Normal, and Uniform. For more information, see Distribution Types.
  • Minimum Remaining Cost
  • Most Likely Remaining Cost
  • Maximum Remaining Cost

Use the Minimum, Most Likely, and Maximum uncertainty fields to edit the percentage or duration for the selected activity. The values display both an absolute and a percentage value. If you change one, Acumen automatically recalculates the other. For example, if you change the percentage value, Acumen will automatically recalculate the absolute value as soon as you click off the field, and vice versa.

Risk Notes Use this text box to enter any additional notes about the activity risks. These notes are only available for reference on this tab and the Duration Uncertainty tab.