Safran Project Platform Integration

Acumen links to Safran Project 5 through exported Safran Project (.SP) files.

You can link to, and import from, a Safran Project file without having Safran Project installed on your computer.

Activities With Constraints

Every Safran activity has one field for each type of constraint. Acumen allows a maximum of two constraints on an activity. The third and subsequent constraints are ignored.

When you import from Safran, Acumen loads constraints in the order shown below.

Constraint Type Safran Field
Must Start On Fixed Start Date
Must Finish On Fixed Finish Date
Start On Or After Target Start Early
Finish On Or After Target Complete Early
Start On Or Before Target Start Late
Finish On Or Before Target Complete Late
As Late As Possible As Late As Possible

Safran Outline Codes

During a Safran project import, Acumen checks if there is an outline code defined.

If the selected project has:
  • No outline code defined, Acumen doesn't create a WBS.
  • One outline code defined, Acumen assumes that field is the WBS.
  • More than one outline code defined, then during import, a Safran Import Settings dialog box displays where you can select the project outline code that you want as the WBS.

Safran Error and Warning Log

You can click Copy to Clipboard to copy the information to your clipboard for further review, or click OK to close the Log dialog box.