Deltek Acumen Options Platforms IPMDAR

Specify whether you want to import IMPDAR data or export data to an IPMDAR file. You can import/export both cost and schedule data.

Get External Data From

The options that you select here display on the S1 // Projects tab in the Get External Data From menu group.

Field Description
IPMDAR Contract Performance Data When you select this option, you can click the Cost Data icon in the Get External Data From menu group (S1 // Projects tab) to import IPMDAR cost data. After you import the data, an IPMDAR icon () displays to the right of the project/snapshot in the S1 // Projects tab Projects pane.
IPMDAR Schedule Data When you select this option, an IPMDAR icon displays in the Get External Data From menu group (S1 // Projects tab) that you can use to import IPMDAR schedule data. After you import the data, an IPMDAR icon () displays to the left of the project/snapshot in the S1 // Projects tab Projects pane.

Publish Data To

Field Description
IPMDAR Contract Performance Data When you select this option, you can click Publish > IPMDAR on the S1 // Projects tab to export cost data to an IPMDAR file. You can export cost data that you have imported from Cobra or .csv formats.
IPMDAR Schedule Data When you select this option, you can click Publish > IPMDAR on the S1 // Projects tab to export schedule data to an IPMDAR file. You can export schedule data that you have imported from Open Plan, Oracle Primavera, or Microsoft Project.