Migrating Existing Costpoint and Time & Expense to the Cloud

If you are an existing Costpoint customer, you need to work with a migration consultant to coordinate your migration to the cloud.

The migration consultant ensures that your transition to the cloud is a smooth one.

The following are high-level guidelines that your migration consultant will discuss with you.

  • Convert your Costpoint database to SQL Server if you are currently running using Oracle.
  • Ensure that your on-premise applications are running the same version as the cloud
  • Do not patch your on premise solution beyond the patch that is active in the cloud
  • Identify any third-party integrations and clarify how they will be supported in the cloud
  • Ensure that your team is trained on how to use the new functionality in the cloud
  • Set up your users in User Manager
  • Provide Deltek Cloud Operations with the information they need to deploy your cloud solution
  • Upload databases to the cloud
  • Upload CER reports to the cloud
  • Coordinate a “test migration run” to the cloud
  • Schedule the “go live” date