Major and Point Releases

Deltek applies Costpoint major and point releases to a customer's Non Production Environment prior to applying the major or point release update to the customer's Production Environment.

Deltek applies the major or point release to the Non Production Environment approximately 2 - 3 months prior to applying the major or point release update to the Production environment.

Deltek will continue to apply Costpoint MR's on a monthly basis to the customer's Production, and Non-Production Environment during the period when a new major or point release has been introduced in the Non-Production Environment. All Costpoint systems (databases) in the customer's environments are updated with the major or point release at the same time.

It is the customer's responsibility to begin their user acceptance and regression testing of the new major or point release as soon as their Non-Production Environment is updated to the next major or point release and complete this testing prior to their scheduled Production Environment update. The customer should communicate to Deltek any defects/bugs found during this testing period. It is Deltek's goal to fix reported defects/bugs prior to the Production Environment being updated.

Customers are also expected to familiarize and train their employees on the new features included in the major or point release during the time when their Non-Production Environment has been updated ahead of the Production Environment.

During the period when the Non-Production Environment is updated to the new major or point release, customer's cannot promote new web servicesor execute a database refresh to their Production Environment. This is because the Production Environment is running the older release.