Vision settings and actions impact the information that displays on the Navigator Dashboard and within the Workspaces.
The following Vision settings impact the data that displays in Vision Navigator:
Show Unposted Actual Labor: Navigator includes unposted actual labor values even if the Vision plan's
Show Unposted Actual Labor option is not selected.
Show Committed PO Expenses: Navigator includes consultant charges from committed purchase orders even if the Vision plan's Show Committed PO Expenses option is not selected
- Include in Utilization and Project Reports: If a project is mapped to multiple Vision plans and this option is selected in Vision, the Navigator totals are the combined value of the plans mapped to the project.
- Navigator option on the Navigator tab of Vision Role Security. The options on this tab dictate the workspaces and other features that are available within Navigator.
- When using Vision Navigator, planned Labor is moved up when you run a key conversion to disable a phase or task. Planned Consultant information is only moved up if it is assigned at the level being disabled. Planned labor rows for the same resource are combined when moved up under the same Work Breakdown Structure ID. Planned consultant rows are combined when moved up under the same Work Breakdown Structure ID if the account and vendor are the same. For example, if you have planned labor and consultants at the phase level, and then disable phases, all planned labor and consultants are moved up to the Project level.
- : When a Search and Replace is performed on the Project Planning application area, Vision Navigator plans are excluded from the Plan Lookup.
The following Vision actions impact the data that displays in Navigator:
- Adding Phases and Tasks: After you create a Navigator plan and convert it to a Vision plan, you can only add a WBS level 2 or 3 element (phase or task) to the Vision plan if there are no assigned resources in Navigator.
- Deleting Phases and Tasks: After you create a Navigator plan and convert it to a Vision plan, if you delete a WBS level 2 or 3 element (phase or task) from the Vision plan, it deletes the WBS and its associated resources from the Navigator plan.