Open a Timesheet

You can use Vision Navigator to open and update your Vision timesheets.

Your access to Navigator Timesheet requires the following:
  • Access to the Navigator Employee Workspace and Timesheet application as defined on the Navigator tab of Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles.
  • You are linked to an active Vision employee record.
Your timesheet processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator defines these Vision settings:
  • Info Center > Employees > Time: The access rights for processing options, including entering data and submitting timesheets, are selected on this tab.
  • Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet Configuration > Calendar: The timesheet period must be set to Open for a timesheet to be available for processing for most employees.
  • Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet Configuration > Setup: If the Allow staff users to resubmit timesheets option is selected, all employees can edit and resubmit a submitted timesheet.
To open a timesheet, complete the following steps:
  1. In Navigator, click the Workspace option and select Employee. Navigator first attempts to open a timesheet automatically by performing the following:
    • Checks for a timesheet for the current date in an available timesheet period. If there is a timesheet and its status is In Progress or blank (for example, Missing), the timesheet is opened in edit mode.
    • If there is a timesheet with a Submitted status and your employee access is Staff or Group without edit rights, you must have the Allow staff users to resubmit timesheets option selected to open a submitted timesheet in edit mode. Otherwise, the timesheet displays in read-only mode.
    • If there is a timesheet for the current date and period, but its status is Approved or Posted, the timesheet is not opened and Navigator automatically displays the timesheet for the next period.
    • If there are no timesheets available, a message displays and the timesheet does not open.
  2. If Navigator does not open a timesheet automatically, or if you need to open a different timesheet, click the Timesheet Options button and select Open. The Open timesheet dialog box displays.
  3. Select a timesheet and click Finish.