Plan Settings Dialog Box

Use the Plan Settings dialog box to specify multiplier, rate, consultant plan level, and calendar scale settings for your plans. These settings only apply to Navigator plans and are not available when you view a Vision plan in Navigator. When creating a new plan, the settings default from Vision Plan Settings. If you use Vision Multicompany, the settings default from Plan Settings from the project's company.

This dialog box is available when:
  • The current project has a Navigator plan.
  • You have Full, Add/Modify, or Modify Only access rights on the Navigator tab of Vision's Configuration > Security > Roles for the plan. Whether these fields display on this tab, and how they display, is based on these access rights.
  • You have record level update rights to the plan.
This dialog box automatically displays when you create a new Navigator plan or you convert a Vision plan to a Navigator plan.


To display the Plan Settings dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. Select a project.
  2. Click the Project Settings button and select Plan Settings. The Plan Settings option does not display if the plan is a Vision plan or if you do not have appropriate access rights.
  3. Navigator automatically checks out the plan when the Plan Settings option is selected, you have appropriate access rights, and no one else has the plan checked out.


Field Description
Labor Refer to the following fields for defaults for Navigator plans.
Target Multiplier Optional. Enter the target multiplier in the following format: ###.##. You can view this value in the Target Multiplier field on the Dashboard and Planning Labor tabs.
Generic Method This option determines which type of generic resources will be used in the plan. Use the drop-down list to select Labor Category or Labor Code.
Cost Rates For Navigator plans, cost rates determine the planned labor cost used to calculate the EAC Multiplier. The planned labor cost is not visible in Navigator; however, your Vision Role Security settings could allow the planned labor cost to be visible when the Navigator plan is viewed in Vision Project Planning or in Vision Reporting.

Your role must have the Allow changes to rate/method tables option selected on the Planning tab in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles for these options to be available. If you don't have Vision Resource Planning module, the option is set on the Navigator tab instead.

Recalculate Select this option to recalculate the planned labor cost amounts when you click Finish. When you recalculate, the employee and generic resource planned costs are recalculated using the current cost rate settings.
Rate Method Use this drop-down list to select a labor cost rate method for employees. If you select a rate method other than From Employee Provisional Rate, you must also specify a rate table. The employee provisional cost rate is assigned for each employee in Vision Employee Info Center. For you to select From Employee Provisional Rate, your Vision Security role for Labor Cost Rates/Amounts must be Full Access on the Accounting tab in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles.

If you use Vision Multicurrency and From Employee Provisional Rate is selected, the employee's provisional cost rate for planned hours is used if the functional currency for the employee's home company matches the plan's project cost or billing currency. If not, the employee's hourly cost rate for the plan is set to zero.

Rate Table This option is available if you specify a method other than From Employee Provisional Rate in the Rate Method field. Use this lookup to select the pre-defined rate table for cost rates for employees' planned hours. The lookup list only includes rate tables for the selected rate method that you can access, and that are marked as available for planning in Vision > Billing > Billing Rate Tables.

This option defaults to None if the currency assigned to the rate table does not match the project's currency that is defaulted by the Use billing currency not project currency option in Vision > Accounting > System Settings.

Generic Table Use the lookup to select a pre-defined rate table for your plan's generic resource cost rates.

Only the rate tables for the selected generic method that you can access, and that are marked as available for planning in the Vision Billing application, are included in the lookup list.

Billing Rates

For Navigator plans, billing rates determine the planned labor bill amounts or what the client will pay for the services your firm provides. Navigator displays the billing value of the planned hours. The labor billing rates are not visible in Navigator; however, your Vision Role security settings could allow labor billing rates to be visible when the Navigator plan is viewed in Vision Project Planning or in Vision Reporting.

Your role must have the Allow changes to rate/method tables option selected on the Planning tab in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles for these billing options to be available. If you don't have Vision Resource Planning module, the option is on the Navigator tab instead.

Rate Method Use this drop-down list to select a billing rate method for employees. If you select a rate method other than From Employee Provisional Rate, you must also specify a rate table. The employee provisional bill rate is assigned for each employee in Vision Employee Info Center.

If you are using Vision Multicurrency and From Employee Provisional Rate is selected, the employee's provisional billing rate for planned hours is used if the functional currency for the employee's home company matches the plan's project cost or billing currency. If not, the employee's hourly rate for the plan is zero.

Recalculate Select this option to recalculate the planned labor billing amounts when you select the Finish button on the Plan Settings dialog. When you recalculate, the employee and generic resource planned bill amounts are recalculated using the current billing rate settings.
Rate Table

This option is available if you specify a method other than From Employee Provisional Rate in the Rate Method field.

Use this field to select the pre-defined rate table for billing rates for employees' planned hours. The lookup list only includes rate tables for the selected rate method that you can access, and that are marked as available for planning in the Vision > Billing > Billing Rate Tables.

This option defaults to None if the currency assigned to the rate table does not match the currency that is defaulted by the Use billing currency not project currency option in Vision > Accounting > System Settings.

If you are using Vision Multicurrency, any rate table with a currency that does not match the plan's currency is excluded from the lookup. The plan's currency is determined by the Use billing currency not project currency option in Vision > Accounting > System Settings.

Generic Table Use the lookup to select a pre-defined rate table for your plan's generic resource bill rates. Only the rate tables for the selected generic method that you can access, and that are marked as available for planning in the Vision Billing application, are included in the lookup list.
Billing Multiplier Enter the billing multiplier, using a maximum of four decimal places. The calculation for how this multiplier is applied is: Labor Billing Amount = Planned Hours x Billing Rate x Billing Multiplier
Consultant Settings Refer to the following fields for consultant related settings for the selected Navigator plan. The Consultant settings display under the following condition:
The Consultants tab is enabled for the on the General tab inVision > Configuration > Planning > Plan Settings. If you do not have the Resource Planning module, the option is on the main Plan Settings form.
Note: If you are using Vision Multicompany, the system checks the option's setting in the Vision Plan Settings for your project's company.

Your role must have the Allow changes to rate/method tables option selected on the Planning tab in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles for these consultant options to be available. If you don't have Vision Resource Planning module, the option is on the Navigator tab instead.

Consultants Plan Level
Select the WBS level that will be used to plan consultants for the project. You can select a new plan level as long as there are no consultant rows in the plan. Use this drop-down list to specify the default WBS level that will be used to plan the consultants for the project:
  • Project — Select this option to plan consultants at the Project level.
  • Phase — Select this option to plan consultants at the Phase level, if the project has phases. Otherwise, consultants are planned at the Project level.
  • Lowest Level —Select this option to plan consultants at the lowest level of the branch.

The options in this list are based on the WBS settings that are defined in Vision Utilities Key Formats. For example, if the WBS 2 length is set to zero, then Project is the only option that displays in the Consultants Plan Level list.

Calculate Consultant Billing from Cost

Select this option to enter planned cost amounts to calculate billing. For a reimbursable consultant account, the planned bill amount is calculated by applying the settings in the Rate Method, Rate Table, and Multiplier fields to the planned cost amount. For a direct consultant account, the planned cost amount is automatically entered as the planned bill amount. You can use the toggle button on Planning tab to view cost and billing amounts.

If you do not select this option, you can only enter planned billing amounts for reimbursable and direct consultants. The planned bill amounts are copied to the planned cost fields which remain hidden in Navigator. In addition, all other Consultants options on this dialog are disabled and the toggle button for viewing cost and billing amounts on the Planning tab is hidden.

Reimbursable Consultants Use these fields to define the settings for reimbursable consultants planned amounts.
Recalculate Select this option to recalculate your reimbursable consultant planned bill amounts when you select the Finish button on the Plan Settings dialog. When you recalculate, the reimbursable consultant planned bill amounts are recalculated using the current settings.
Rate Method Use this drop-down list to determine if a multiplier will be applied to the planned cost in order to calculate the planned bill.
  • When you select Multiplier Only, the multiplier assigned in this group is used to determine the planned bill amount
  • Select From Account Rate Table to multiply the planned cost by the multiplier in the Expense Account rate table or, if the account is not in the rate table, the multiplier on this dialog to determine the planned bill amount for the consultants
  • Select From Category Rate Table to multiply the planned cost amount by the multiplier in the Expense Category rate table or, if the account is included in the rate table, the multiplier on this dialog to determine the planned bill amount for the consultants.
  • Select None so that the planned bill is calculated.
Rate Table

This option is available if you specify the From Account Rate Table or From Category Rate Table rate method.

Use this field to specify the rate table that you want to use. This lookup contains either Expense Account Tables or Expense Category Tables, and only rate tables that you can access, and that are marked as Available for planning in the Vision Billing application.

If From Account Rate Table is the Rate Method, and no rate table is provided, the Global Table of Accounts is the default.

Direct Consultants These fields define the settings for direct consultants.
Multiplier A multiplier of 1.0000 is applied to all direct consultant planned cost amount entries so that the same amount is assigned as the planned bill amount. This multiplier cannot be changed.
Scale Use this field to determine the calendar periods planned labor is spread into. If the scale is changed, any existing planned hours will be re-spread across the new periods.
Finish When you click Finish, a confirmation dialog box displays. This dialog box is dynamic and the text that displays is dependent on the changes that you made. Follow the prompts to confirm your changes:
  • If plan hours already exist and the scale is changed, the resource's ETC hours are spread evenly across the given range.
  • If rates are changed and refreshed, Navigator retroactively calculates the planned cost and/or billing values for employees and/or generic resources.
  • If rates are not changed and refreshed, Navigator applies the new rates for the newly planned values.

    When finished, the plan's state indicator changes to blue, to indicate that the plan is saved but not published. You must use the manual process to publish the plan.