Use the Consultant Lookup Search

The Consultant Type and Consultant Name lookup dialog boxes contain Search fields that let you access records by entering part of all of a valid key code, such as a Consultant type or name.

To use the Search feature, complete the following steps:
  1. Open a Consultant lookup dialog box.
  2. Click in the Search field.
  3. In the Search field, enter either a single character (for example, the letter "a" or the number 3) or a string of characters (" ab" or "13") and then press Enter or click on the magnifying glass button next to the Search entry field. If you enter a single character, Navigator will search for every record beginning with that character. If you enter more than one character, Navigator searches for every record that contains that string of characters. For whole word searches, enter a space before and after the word to search for only that word.

    If the information you have entered matches only one record in the Vision database, then the record displays in the Consultant line. If it matches multiple records, all records that match your criteria display in the lookup.

  4. Select the record that you want to access.
  5. Click Finish. The selected record displays in the respective consultant line.