Delete Consultants from the Consultant Resources Grid

You can delete a consultant record from the Consultants grid as long as it does not have any assigned JTD. If it has JTD, you can choose to delete only the planned and baseline amounts for the consultant.

For you to be able to delete consultants from the grid, your Vision Security role must have Full, Add/Modify, or Modify Only access rights for Project Planning on the Navigator tab in Vision Security Roles. The button does not display if the plan is not checked out, you don't have the appropriate access rights, or you are viewing a Vision plan.

To delete consultant records from the Consultants grid, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the Consultants grid.
  2. Select the row you want to delete.
  3. Click Row Tools and select Delete. Navigator asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.