Submit a Timesheet
After you enter a timesheet's data, you can submit the timesheet for approval and processing.
The method you use to submit your timesheet depends on the settings in Vision, in Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet. You may be allowed to submit a timesheet one time or you may be allowed to edit a timesheet that you already submitted, and then resubmit it. Contact your system administrator for more information.
Prerequisite: Open a timesheet.
To submit a timesheet, complete the following steps:
- Review the timesheet for accuracy, make changes if necessary, and then click Save.
Click Submit. The button label changes to
Depending on the processing options selected by your system administrator, one or more of the following may occur:
- If electronic signatures are required in Vision, Navigator displays the Confirm Electronic Signature dialog box. Enter your Password and click OK.
- If Navigator is required to check hours entered against hours expected, you receive a warning or error if a discrepancy is found. If you receive a warning, click Yes to continue the submission or click No to revise and submit. If you receive an error, you must review and revise your timesheet. Contact your system administrator if you receive another error the next time that you submit.
- If the Require comments for Hours option is set to
Yes in Vision on the Time & Expense tab in the Project Info Center, you must enter comments for labor charges before you can save or submit your timesheet. The same is true if the
Require comments for Hours
option is set to Company in the Project Info Center and the
Require comments when hours are entered option is selected on the Setup tab in
Vision > Configuration > Time & Expense
> Company Timesheet. The setting in the Project Info Center is set at the lowest WBS level for a project's branch.
For special category rows, Navigator honors the Require comments when hours are entered option selected on the Setup tab in Vision > Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet.
- Require Comments on Timesheet
You can enter comments for your timesheet entries. - Check Hours Entered Against Expected
If the Check hours entered against expected option is selected on the Setup tab of Vision's Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet, Navigator will compare the total hours submitted on your timesheet against the total hours that you are expected to submit for the labor period. This only checks regular hours, not overtime hours, and the check is performed whenever your timesheet is submitted. - Sign a Timesheet
Your system administrator may configure Navigator Timesheet to require an electronic signature when you submit your timesheet.
Parent topic: Save and Submit a Timesheet Overview