Resource Assignments Grid Columns

The columns on the Resource Assignments grid display the job-to-date, baseline, estimate-to-complete (ETC), and estimate-at-completion (EAC) hours associated with each resource.


The lowest level of the Level/Resource column displays any named or generic resources assigned to the project, phase, or task.

  • Named resources are existing employees who work for your firm. Job-to-date hours always display for each named resource.
  • Use generic resources as placeholders to represent resource assignments in a plan when you are not sure which named resources will be used.
Resources who have posted or unposted charges on the project, but do not have planned hours, are listed with resources who do have planned hours. They are saved in the plan even if no estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours are assigned.

Hours in the Resource Assignments grid are formatted based on the Hours decimal settings in Vision's Plan Settings. If you use the Vision Multicompany feature, the hours decimal setting is from the Plan Settings of the company to which the project belongs.

Field Description
Resource This column displays the resource name. Resources are sorted alphabetically, with generic resources first. Named resources follow, and are sorted by last name.

This column displays the resource's baseline hours or billing amount for the plan. The baseline acts as a snapshot of the plan at a certain point in time that you wish to save for comparison purposes.

If the project’s plan does not have a baseline version saved, this column is blank. If the plan has a baseline version, this column displays the number of hours estimated for the resource on the current project, phase, or task at the time the baseline version of the plan was saved.

Calculation: Baseline = Baseline planned hours or billing amount for plans in utilization

If a project is mapped on multiple Vision plans that have the Include in utilization and project report option selected, the Navigator totals are the combined value of the plans.

Resource JTD

This column displays the job-to-date hours or actual billing amount through today for employees on the project, phase, or task. Posted and unposted hours are included.

Calculation: JTD = Posted and unposted hours or billing amount through today

Resource ETC

This column displays the estimate-to-complete hours or billing amount for the resource on the current project, phase, or task. This is the number of hours or billing amount required from tomorrow through the end of the plan to complete work on this project, phase, or task element.

Calculation: ETC = Planned hours or billing amount from tomorrow forward for plans in utilization

You edit the hours amount in this field while the start date for the parent WBS row is in the future. Once the plan is in progress and the start date is no longer a future date, all edits to the ETC must be done in the individual calendar period fields that are shown in the calendar view.

Resource EAC

This column displays the sum of the job-to-date hours or billing amount, and the estimate-to-complete hours or billing amount, for the resource on the current project, phase, or task element.

Calculation: EAC = JTD posted and unposted hours or actual billing amount through today + ETC hours or billing amount from tomorrow forward for plans in utilization

Notes Enter notes related to the Vision Navigator project, phase, or task element. This note is attached to the work breakdown structure (WBS) element and is only available in Vision Navigator. If you save the baseline, revert plan changes, publish the plan, or convert the plan to a Vision plan, the note is not reverted, published, or converted with the WBS element.

If you delete the note, it is removed from the plan but not the database because it is attached to the WBS identifier. The note is deleted when you remove the WBS identifier from the project through Vision.