Consultants Grid Columns

The columns on the Consultants grid provide a summary of the consultant budget for the plan.


The Baseline, JTD, Planned, and Planned Less JTD amounts default to display Billing amounts. However, a new Billing/Cost toggle button displays on the Consultants tab under the following circumstances. Use this button to switch the billing amounts to cost when:
  • Project has a Vision plan and the Calculate Consultant Billing Amounts option is selected on the Rates tab of Vision > Project Planning.
  • Project has a Navigator plan and the Calculate Consultant Billing from Cost option is selected on the Plan Settings dialog box in Navigator.
Field Description
Level/Resource This field displays a description of the level of the WBS element, as specified on the Labor tab. For Navigator plans, the WBS elements only display for those rows that are at or above the selected consultant plan level. For projects with Vision plans, only the highest planned WBS elements are shown. For example, if the project has phases and tasks, and some consultants were planned at the phase level while others were planned at the task level, the Navigator consultant grid displays the consultants under the phase row and the task row is not shown. For projects with no plan, all of the project's WBS elements are shown.
Start Date/End Date These fields display the start and end dates for the consultant expense as defined on the Labor tab. If these dates are changed on the Labor tab, they will automatically update on the Consultants tab as well.

You cannot see consultants assigned to calendar periods within Navigator. Whenever a Navigator plan is saved, consultant amounts are spread evenly across the time period based on the WBS row's start and end dates.

If you are using the Resource Planning module and you need to see the time-phased consultant amounts for a Navigator plan, open the plan in Vision Project Planning.

Contract This field displays the sum of the selected WBS level's consultant fee as defined on the Budget & Revenue tab in the Vision Project Info Center and and planned bill amount for reimbursable consultant accounts.
This field displays baseline planned consultant amounts. This amount is summed to higher levels of the WBS. You can toggle the amount between bill and cost if:
  • The Navigator plan has the Calculate Consultant Billing from Cost option selected in Plan Settings.
  • The project has a Vision plan that has the Calculate Consultant Billing Amounts option selected on the Rates tab in Vision Project Planning. If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator uses the setting on the one with the earliest creation date.

The Baseline bill amount displays if the toggle is not shown.

If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator sums the baseline amounts from the plans.

Planned This field displays the sum of the planned amounts for the consultants. If the WBS row's planned bill amount does not match the row's contract amount, a yellow flag displays in the corner of the field. Each WBS row amount is checked and a flag can display for any row. You can toggle the amount between bill and cost if:
  • The Navigator plan has the Calculate Consultant Billing from Cost option selected in Plan Settings.
  • The project has a Vision plan that has the Calculate Consultant Billing Amounts option selected on the Rates tab in Vision Project Planning. If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator uses the setting on the one with the earliest creation date.

The Planned bill amount displays if the toggle is not shown. If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator sums the planned amounts from the plans.

JTD This field displays the sum of the charges to Direct Consultant and Reimbursable Consultant accounts on all posted transactions and committed purchase orders through today. This amount is summed to higher levels of the WBS. You can toggle the amount between bill and cost if:
  • The Navigator plan has the Calculate Consultant Billing from Cost option selected in Plan Settings.
  • The project has a Vision plan that has the Calculate Consultant Billing Amounts option selected on the Rates tab in Vision Project Planning. If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator uses the setting on the one with the earliest creation date.
The JTD bill amount displays if the toggle is not shown.
Planned Less JTD

This field displays the difference between the planned amount and the JTD amount through today.

The amount is summed to higher levels of the WBS. You can toggle the amount between bill and cost if:
  • The Navigator plan has the Calculate Consultant Billing from Cost option selected in Plan Settings.
  • The project has a Vision plan that has the Calculate Consultant Billing Amounts option selected on the Rates tab in Vision Project Planning. If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator uses the setting on the one with the earliest creation date.

The bill amount displays if the toggle is not shown.

If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, Navigator sums the planned amounts from the plans.

Contract Balance This field displays the difference between the Contract and the JTD amount through today. If JTD is greater than Contract, the amount displays as negative and is red.