Create a New Plan in Vision Navigator

If a project does not have an existing plan in Vision Project Planning, you can use Navigator to create the project plan.

You must have Full or Add/Modify access rights to Project Planning on the Navigator tab in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles.
To create a plan in Vision Navigator, complete the following steps:
  1. Open a project in Vision Navigator and click the Planning tab.

    The Actions button displays. This button's label changes when there is only one action that can be taken. The button and the associated plan state text change color to indicate the state of the plan. When the project does not have a plan, the button label changes to Create and is gray. The plan state text says no plan exists.

  2. Click the Create button. Vision asks you to confirm the plan's creation.
  3. Click Yes. The Plan Settings dialog box displays where you can see the values that defaulted from Vision's Configuration > Planning > Plan Settings. If your firm uses Vision Multicompany, the defaults are from the Plan Settings for the project's company.
  4. Complete the Plan Settings fields and click Finish to create the plan. The new plan is automatically checked out to you, and the Actions button and plan state text changes to green and the text displays Navigator plan created.
  5. Click the Labor option on the menu bar. The Labor charts and grid display.
  6. Complete the fields on the planning and resource grids for each lowest level of the project's Work Breakdown Structure.

    As you enter data in the fields, the Actions button and plan state text change to orange and the text displays Edits not saved. until you save your edits.

  7. If the Consultant planning tab is enabled in Vision > Configuration > Planning > Plan Settings and you have appropriate access rights, click the Consultants option on the Planning tab's menu bar. The Consultant charts and grid display.
  8. Complete the fields on the planning and consultants grids.
  9. Click Save on the command bar. The Actions button and plan state text change to blue and the text displays Changes saved, but not published to indicate that changes were saved.