Conditions in Which You Cannot Convert a Vision Plan

There are certain conditions in which you cannot convert a Vision plan to a Navigator plan.

You cannot change a Vision plan to a Navigator plan if the Vision plan has any of the conditions listed in the following table. If Navigator displays a message about one of these conditions, address the problem in Vision and then convert the Vision plan to a Navigator plan.

Vision Plan Condition Solution
More than one Vision plan exists for the project. Consolidate the Vision plans. If appropriate, you can also change a plan so that it is not included in utilization and thus is not recognized.
The Vision plan is mapped to more than one project. On the Labor tab in Vision Project Planning, adjust the projects that are mapped to the plan.
The Vision plan contains extra plan levels between WBS1 and WBS2, or between WBS 2 and WBS3, or the plan has Labor Code plan level rows. On the Labor tab in Vision Project Planning, remove the plan level rows between WBS1 and WBS2 or between WBS 2 and WBS3, and/or remove the labor code plan level rows. When you delete a plan level row that has a subordinate plan level or assignment rows, those rows are also deleted.
Resource assignments are not at the lowest-level WBS level. On the Labor tab in Vision Project Planning, move or delete resource assignment rows that are not assigned under the lowest WBS level in the plan.
The employee or generic resource is assigned more than once under the same WBS plan level row. On the Labor tab in Vision Project Planning, consolidate the resource's assignments so that each resource has only one assignment row under the lowest WBS plan level rows.
The Budget Type option is set to Cost or Billing. On the Rates tab in Vision Project Planning, change the Budget Type to Cost and Billing and, if necessary, update the rate methods, tables, and rates for the added type. If you add Cost to the budget type, verify that users' roles are updated to hide cost data if it is considered sensitive information.
The plan's Accordion Calendar is set with multiple calendar scales. Change the plan's Accordion Calendar Format to have one bottom scale and one top scale for the entire date range. Avoid setting the bottom scale to Daily, Accounting Period, or Yearly because these are not valid Navigator scales.
The Accordion Calendar's bottom calendar scale is not valid in Navigator. Change the bottom calendar scale in the plan's Accordion Calendar Format from Daily, Accounting Period, or Yearly.
The Accordion Calendar's date range causes values to be in the Overflow column. On the Accordion Calendar dialog box, extend the date range so that no values display in the Overflow column.
There are plan level rows for vendors or accounts on the Expenses tab. Remove the plan level rows from the Expenses tab in Vision Project Planning.
There are plan level rows for units or accounts on the Units tab. Remove the plan level rows and any planned costs for the work breakdown structure from the Units tab in Vision Project Planning.