Project Management Concepts
If you are new to Vision Navigator, you may want to review information about initial plan settings, data synchronization, how security access rights affect plan creation, and so on.
- Initial Settings for New Plans
When you create a new plan, Vision Navigator uses project data as the basis for the initial plan data. Many of these values are set internally for the plan, but are not visible in Navigator. You can review the settings in Vision Project Planning. - Security Access Rights and Plan Creation
Your Vision Security rights and assigned role determine the features that you can access when you use Navigator. - Vision Settings and Actions that Affect Data that Displays in Navigator
Vision settings and actions impact the information that displays on the Navigator Dashboard and within the Workspaces. - Why Change a Vision Navigator Plan to a Vision Plan?
You can create plans in Vision or in Vision Navigator. You may want to change a Vision Navigator plan to a Vision plan if your plan is complex. - Changes Made to Vision Project Planning if Vision Navigator Plans Are In Use
Options available in Vision Project Planning can change if you are using Vision Navigator. - How Plan Data Synchronizes
You can create a plan in either Vision Navigator or Vision. After you create plans, you can share plan data between the two applications and have the data synchronize automatically. - Unmapped Rows in Vision Plans
The Planning grid displays the different levels of a project—the project, phases, and tasks—which are collectively referred to as the Work Breakdown Strucure (WBS). Each WBS element must contain an identifier, which is how the project maps to a plan. - Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) on the Planning Grid
The Planning grid displays the different levels of a project, which are collectively referred to as the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This structure, which you establish in Vision, can have three levels.
Parent topic: Project Management Basics Overview