The Labor Plan Timeline chart on the Planning tab displays the cumulative planned and actual labor amounts for each level of the WBS, as well as the contract amount that was earned over the life of the project. Use this chart to analyze the accuracy of forecasts and to improve future planning efforts.
The periods that can display on the chart reflect the entire project, from the earliest date to the end date. As you select a project, phase, or task on the Planning grid below the chart, the amounts on the chart update to reflect the data from the grid. For phases and tasks, the chart updates to display the dates and amounts applicable at the selected phase or task level.
As you review the chart, you can mouse over or tap on its data points to view specific amounts. If the project has a Navigator plan, the data points are based on the calendar scale assigned in Plan Settings. If the project has a Vision plan with a date range of 0 to 180 days, the data points are weekly; if the range is greater than 180 days, the data points are monthly.
The chart also updates to include edits to the plan when the edits are saved.
Note: If a project is mapped on multiple Vision plans and the
Include in utilization and project reports
option is selected, the
Planned and
EAC lines are a combined total. The
Contract Earned line may also be a combined total if the percent complete formula is one of the following: (Planned – Estimate-to-Complete)/Planned or (Baseline – Estimate-to-Complete)/Baseline. Actual and contract lines are not combined.
Field | Description |
This field displays the planned labor at billing amount, through today's date, for the project, phase, or task row that is selected on the Planning grid.
Calculation: Planned = Planned labor amount at billing through today
This field displays the billing value of posted and unposted labor charges through today's date for the project, phase, or task row that is selected on the Planning grid.
Calculation: Actual = Billing value for posted and unposted labor charges at billing through today
The dotted line represents the EAC amount beyond today for the project, phase, or task row that is selected on the Planning grid.
Calculation: EAC = JTD labor amount at billing through today + ETC labor amount at billing from tomorrow forward for plans in utilization.
Contract Earned
This field displays the contract earned amount, based on the Percent Complete Formula selected in the plan. The options that impact this amount are as follows:
- (Planned - Estimate-to-Complete)/Planned
- Job-to-Date/(Job-to-Date + Estimate-to-Complete)
- (Baseline - Estimate-to-Complete)/Baseline
Calculation: The percent complete is calculated for each period. This percent is then multiplied by the contract at the project level to determine the amount of the contract that has been earned for the period.
If a project is mapped to multiple Vision plans that have the
Include in utilization and project reports
option selected, but there are different percent complete formulas assigned to the plans, Navigator applies the percent complete formula from the plan with the earliest creation date.
Contract Earned line does not display in the following situations:
- If the Percent Complete Formula on the Vision plan is set to User Entered.
- If the Percent Complete Formula is set to (Baseline - Estimate to Complete)/Baseline but there is no baseline
- If there is no planned data
- If there is no JTD + ETC data
This field displays the compensation amount, based on the amount in the
Compensation field in the Vision Project Info Center.
Calculation: Contract = Compensation from Project Info Center
If no contract amount displays, verify that an amount is assigned in the Vision Project Info Center.
If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, the currency amounts display in the project's billing currency or project currency. The currency is based on the
Use Billing Currency not Project Currency option in Vision Accounting System Settings.
Note: You can turn chart lines on and off, except for the dotted EAC line on the Labor Plan Timeline. Click a line name in the chart legend to turn the chart line on or off.