Add Resources to the Resource Grid

If your Vision Security role allows access, you can add active resources to the current Navigator plan.

Your Vision Security role must have Full, Add/Modify, or Modify Only record access rights to Vision Project Planning.

To add resources to the selected project, complete the following steps:
  1. Click the Add Resource button. The Add Resources dialog box displays, listing the active resources who match these requirements:
    • The employees your role allows access to if the Apply Employee Record Access option is selected on the Planning tab of Vision Role Security. If you don't have the Vision Resource Planning module, the option is on the Navigator tab instead.
    • The resources in your home organization, if your firm uses Vision Organizations.
    • The resources who are not already included in the current Work Breakdown Structure.
  2. Use these options to refine the Resources list:
    • To specify the organizations included (if your firm uses Vision Organizations), use the Showing option. Select All Organizations to include all Vision organizations or select My Organization to show only your organization.
    • To find and select specific resources, enter all or part of a value in the search field. Navigator updates the results set with matches from all columns.
    • To refine your results list, click the Named Resources icon or the Generic Resources icon. The Resource listing updates accordingly.
  3. Select one or more resources from the Resource list by clicking or tapping on them. As you make your selections, the Selected: XX of XX updates to display the number of resources that are currently selected.
  4. Click Finish. The resources are added to the Resource grid.