Full, Add/Modify, Modify Only
Click this icon to save the current Navigator plan information. This action does not publish the plan. This option is available if there are unsaved changes to the current plan.
Save Baseline
Full, Add/Modify, Modify Only
Click this icon to save the current Navigator plan as the baseline. The baseline acts as a snapshot of the plan at a certain point in time and is useful for comparison purposes. You can have only one baseline version for any plan. Any changes you make to the existing baseline will overwrite the previous baseline data. After a baseline exists, this option is available only if your role is allowed to change the baseline.
Full, Add/Modify, Modify Only
Click this icon to publish the plan and baseline to Vision. This option is available if the current project has a Navigator plan. It saves the current plan and copies its values and the last saved baseline from an unpublished state to a published state.
Full, Add/Modify, Modify Only
Click this icon to return to the most recently published Navigator plan. This option is available if the current project has a Navigator plan. If no plan information has been published to Vision, the plan is returned to the state that it was in when it was first created before information was published.
Click this icon to clear all of this Navigator plan's resources and plan entries, including the baseline, from both Navigator and Vision.