Edit a Timesheet

You can edit an existing timesheet's data.

Prerequisite: Open a timesheet.

To edit a timesheet, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the following options to edit the timesheet's data:
    Option Description
    Insert Place the focus on the row above where you want to insert a new row and click Insert.
    Copy Place the focus on the row you want to copy and click Copy to copy it to a new grid row, including the project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, and payroll tax locale. Hours and comments are not copied. The new row displays below the copied row. You cannot copy a special category row.
    Delete Place the focus on the row and click Delete to remove the row from the timesheet. You cannot delete a special category row. Your access may not allow you to delete rows that have been approved.
  2. Click Save. Navigator confirms that all required fields are complete. If so, the timesheet data is saved but is not submitted. You must click Submit after you save to submit the timesheet data for approval.

    If the required fields are not complete, an error message displays with the focus placed on the field that is missing a value.

After you edit and save a timesheet, you can submit it.