Replace Resources Dialog Box

Use the Replace Resources dialog box to replace a named resource or generic resource that is assigned on the Resource Assignments grid.

The resources that display on this dialog box are based on the Apply Employee Record Access option on the Planning tab in Vision Configuration Security Roles. If you don't have the Vision Resource Planning module, the option is on the Navigator tab instead.


To display the Replace Resources dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. On the Resource grid, locate the resource that you want to replace.
  2. Click the hyperlink that displays as you mouse over the name.


Field Description
Search To find and select resources, enter any part of the following in the Search field: Employee first or last name, employee identification number, or organization name. To view a full list of all resources, clear the entry in the Search field. This field is cleared when you select a setting from the Showing drop-down list.
Showing If you use Vision > Organizations, use this drop-down list to specify the organizations included when you search for resources. To include all Vision organizations, select All Organizations. To show only resources belonging to your organization, select My Organization.
Named Resource Click the Named Resources icon to include active employees on the results list. The Resource list updates accordingly. Any employee who is already assigned to the WBS element is excluded because an employee can only be assigned to a WBS element once.
Generic Resource Click the Generic Resources icon to include generic resources on the results list. The Resource list updates accordingly. Any generic resource that is already assigned to the WBS element is excluded because a generic resource can only be assigned to a WBS element once.
Select Resources To select a resource from the Resource list, click the resource name. To select multiple resources, click each one individually.

As you make selections, the counter of selected resources updates. For example, if you select five resources out of seventy five, the counter displays Selected: 5 of 75.

Note: You can continue to use the Search field without losing the selected resources; however, changing the Organization field will clear the selected resources.
Sort Columns Click a column's header to enable the sort button . Click the sort button on a column to sort the column's contents. An indicator displays beside the column name to indicate how the column is sorted (ascending or descending). By default, Vision Navigator displays the results sorted first by resource type (employee or generic), then by organization name, and then by employee last name and employee first name.
Number This column displays the resource identification number. It sorts named and generic resources alphabetically, and accommodates alphanumeric characters in the IDs. Both named and generic resources sort in ascending or descending order.
Organization This setting sorts organizations alphabetically, in ascending or descending order.
Utilization Ratio Derived from information on the Accounting tab of the Vision > Info Center > Employee, the Utilization Ratio is the maximum amount of time (as a percentage), that an employee can be assigned as a named resource on a project. For example, if you expect an employee to spend 75% of her time actively involved in project work, then you enter 75 as the utilization ratio. Vision Planning uses this information to determine an employee's availability for project assignments.

The Utilization Ratio is blank if the employee does not have an assigned utilization ratio or if it is set to zero.

Percent Utilized This is the amount of time that an employee is assigned as a resource for the selected WBS level's date range across all Vision Navigator plans and those Vision plans that are marked as Include in Utilization and Project Reports on the General tab in Vision > Project Planning. The hours are prorated against the current plan's calendar scale.

Percent Utilized is impacted by the use of hard or soft booking for resource assignments in Vision > Planning > Resource Management. Hard booked assignments are those for which an employee is scheduled and approved on a plan. Soft booked assignments are those for which an employee is tentatively scheduled on a plan, but the resource assignments have not yet been approved. You enable hard booking and soft booking on the Resource Management Settings tab of Configuration > Planning.

When these options are enabled, all changes that you make to a Navigator plan are marked as soft booked, and baseline planned hours are excluded. If the Include Soft Booked Hours when Showing Planned Hours and when Calculating Availability or Utilization option is not selected on the Resource Management Settings tab of Configuration > Planning, the soft booked hours on published Navigator plans and Vision plans are excluded from the hours that are used to calculate the percent utilized for the employee.

Calculation: [Number of hours employee is scheduled to work within date range/ (employee's hours per day x number of working days in the date range)] x 100

This value displays as blank if the employee does not have hours scheduled during the selected WBS level's date range.

Note: If you are using a Vision Navigator plan, the Percent Utilized only considers the hours that were published to Vision, not the hours that are saved in Vision Navigator but not published.
Resize Columns Select and drag a column's dividers to resize it.
Resize Dialog Box Select and drag the edge of the dialog box to resize it.