Add Consultant Types Dialog Box

Use the Consultant Types dialog box to select one or more types of consultants to add to your Consultants Resource grid.


To assign consultants to a plan, complete the following steps:
  1. In Navigator, click the Workspace option and select Project Management
  2. Select a project and click the Planning tab.
  3. Click the Consultants option on the menu bar. The project's consultant information displays.
  4. Select a row on the Consultants grid.
  5. Click the Add Consultants button.


Field Description
Show Direct Select this option to show consultant types for the Direct Consultant account type. This option is selected by default.
Show Reimbursable

Select this option to show consultant types for the Reimbursable Consultant account type. This option is selected by default.

Search To further filter the results list, enter any part of the following in the Search field: consultant type, and account type, account number. You will see the results list update as soon as you make an entry. To view a full list of all consultant types, clear the entry in the Search field.
Sort Columns Click a column's header to enable the sort button . Click the sort button on a column to sort the column's contents. An indicator displays beside the column name to indicate how the column is sorted (ascending or descending). The default sort is ascending.
Resize Columns Select and drag a column's dividers to resize it.
Resize Dialog Box Select and drag the edge of the dialog box to resize it.
Select Consultants

To select a consultant type from the list, click on the row. To select multiple consultant types, click each of their rows individually.

As you make selections, the counter of selected consultants updates. For example, if you select five consultants out of seventy five, the counter displays Selected: 5 of 75.

Consultant Type

This column displays the names of active direct consultant and reimbursable consultant accounts.

If you are using Vision Multicompany, only the consultant accounts available to the selected project's company are included in the list.

Consultant Types that already appear in the consultant grid appear in this list since they can be added again and assigned a different consultant name.

Type This column displays either Direct or Reimbursable depending on which account type the account belongs to.
Account This column displays the account number.
Finish Click Finish to add your selections to the Consultants grid.