Check Hours Entered Against Expected

If the Check hours entered against expected option is selected on the Setup tab of Vision's Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet, Navigator will compare the total hours submitted on your timesheet against the total hours that you are expected to submit for the labor period. This only checks regular hours, not overtime hours, and the check is performed whenever your timesheet is submitted.

Your expected regular hours are calculated by multiplying the number of working days in the labor period by the expected hours entered in Hours/Day on the Personal tab in Vision > Info Center > Employee.

If a discrepancy is found when hours are checked against hours expected, Navigator displays the respective warning or error message that is selected in Vision. If None is selected for the Check hours entered against expected option in Vision, no error or warning displays in Navigator. If one of the warning or error messages is selected, refer to the following:

  • Warnings alert users to the discrepancy, but they are allowed to submit the timesheet without changes.
  • Errors alert users to the discrepancy, and they are prevented from submitting the timesheet if the hours entered are greater or less than expected.
Note: This also applies to the Check hours entered against expected option that is entered on the Time tab in Vision > Info Center > Employee. If the employee's setting is Global, the Check hours option selected on the Setup tab in Vision > Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet applies. Any other option selected in the Employee Info Center overrides the selection made in Company Timesheet.