Change Image Dialog Box

Use the Change Image dialog box to upload an image, crop an image, or assign an image to a project.


To display the Change Image dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. In Navigator, click the Workspace option and select Project Management.
  2. Select a project.
  3. Click the Project Settings button and select Change Image. The image that displays in the Project Search does not default into the Original Image field.


Field Description
Upload Click this button to select your own project image.
Library Click this button to select an image that is supplied with Vision Navigator.
Original Image Vision Navigator displays the selected image, automatically crops it, and then scales the image. The image then displays in the Original Image and Cropped Image fields. You can drag the dashed lines to crop the image before you save.
Cropped Image Use this feature to view the cropped image's size before you save.
Finish Click this button to save your changes.