Consultant Markup and Currency Fields

Fields on the upper right of the Consultant tab display markup and currency information. Currency is only relevant if you use the Vision Multicurrency feature. All chart and grid information displays in the selected currency.


Field Description
Reimb. Consultant Billing Markup This field displays the reimbursable consultant's rate method setting on the Plan Settings dialog box for Navigator plans and the Rates tab in Project Planning for Vision plans. If the project has multiple Vision plans that are in utilization, this field displays the value from the plan with the earliest creation date.

When the Rate Method is set to one of the following options, the Reimb. Consultant Billing Markup displays the respective markup information:

  • Multiplier Only = Multiplier
  • Account Rate Table or Category Rate Table = Table
  • None = No Markup
Currency If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, this field displays the currency code. The currency code is based on the Use Billing Currency not Project Currency option in Vision Accounting System Settings.