Narratives Table

The Narratives table on the Detail Analysis tab displays, by element for the selected period, any Format 5 variance codes and the beginning text of Format 5 narratives. To display the full narrative text for an element, click the row for that element.

Table Format

The Narratives table is a straight table. You can double-click any column heading to sort the rows based on the values in that column. You can also drag columns to a new location to change their order.

If you select an element row for which a Format 5 narrative exists, the full narrative text displays. After you review the narrative, click either Bring Last Selection Back at the top of the tab or click on the wInsight Analytics toolbar.

Table Data

The Narratives table displays the following for each element for the selected period:

Data Item Description
Format 5 variance codes These codes indicate which Format 5 reporting thresholds have been exceeded:
  • S — Cumulative schedule variance
  • s — Current period schedule variance
  • C — Cumulative cost variance
  • c — Current period cost variance
  • S — Variance at completion
Format 5 narrative The table column displays the beginning text of the Format 5 narrative.

If the narrative does not include HTML formatting, you can see the full text by hovering over the text in the Format 5 column of the table. If it does include HTML formatting, click the row for the element to display the full formatted text in the Format 5 Narrative in HTML box.

If you open wInsight Analytics from AccessPoint and the full narrative does not display when you click the element row, return to AccessPoint, click Favorites & Profile in the upper-right corner of the page, click the Profile tab, and select Full Browser Version in Preferred client. If you open wInsight Analytics in QlikView Desktop, use the Turn on/off WebView option on the View menu to turn on WebView if you want to display the full narratives with HTML formatting.