EAC Realism View Table

The EAC Realism View table on the EAC Realism tab enables you to compare, for the selected period, several key metrics for evaluating EAC realism: percent complete, cost variance, variance at completion, CPI to EAC, and an EAC realism indicator.

Table Format

The EAC Realism View table is a straight table. You can double-click any column heading to sort the rows based on the values in that column. You can also drag columns to a new location to change their order.

Table Data

The level at which wInsight Analytics calculates the metrics related to EAC realism is based on your selection in Element Type: lowest-level of the selected structure, control account level, or work package level.

Data Item Description
Percent complete Percentage of the budget at completion (BAC) that has been completed/earned
Cost variance (colored cells) This performance indicator column displays color-coded performance and trend information for cost variance.

The colors and arrows are determined by the change threshold settings that your wInsight system administrator establishes for each contract in wInsight. The colors indicate current or cumulative performance based on the thresholds, and the arrows indicate if that performance represents a significant positive or negative trend, compared to the prior period.

A legend at the bottom of the tab displays the thresholds.

Variance at completion (colored cells) This performance indicator column displays color-coded performance and trend information for variance at completion.

The colors and arrows are determined by the change threshold settings that your wInsight system administrator establishes for each contract in wInsight. The colors indicate current or cumulative performance based on the thresholds, and the arrows indicate if that performance represents a significant positive or negative trend, compared to the prior period.

A legend at the bottom of the tab displays the thresholds.

CPI to EAC trend This performance indicator column displays color-coded performance and trend information for CPI to EAC (see below).

The colors and arrows are determined by the change threshold settings that your wInsight system administrator establishes for each contract in wInsight. The colors indicate current or cumulative performance based on the thresholds, and the arrows indicate if that performance represents a significant positive or negative trend, compared to the prior period.

A legend at the bottom of the tab displays the thresholds.

CPI to EAC Difference between the cost performance index (CPI) and the to-complete cost performance index TCPI: CPI – TCPI. This value is one measure of EAC realism.
EAC realism indicator 1 = EAC appears to be unrealistic. 0 = EAC appears to be realistic. If TCPI differs from CPI more than positive or negative 0.10, this column contains 1.