BCWS/ETC Comparison Chart

The BCWS/ETC Comparison chart on the Future Forecast tab enables you to see how forecasts of budgeted and estimated costs for future periods have changed from one period's forecast to the next.

Chart Format

The BCWS/ETC Comparison chart is a line chart, with a line for BCWS or ETC forecasts from each of the forecast data versions loaded into the analytics data model.

Chart Item Description
Horizontal axis The horizontal axis displays the range of periods.
Vertical axis The vertical axis displays the range of BCWS or ETC amounts.
Lines Each line represents the change in BCWS or ETC forecast amounts from one period's forecast data.

Each data point on the line represents the forecast amount as of that period.

Chart Data

Use the BCWS and ETC options in the lower-right corner of the chart to display either BCWS or ETC forecasts.

Note: This chart always displays forecast data for the selected contract's most recent period and all prior forecast versions, regardless of the period that is selected on the other wInsight Analytics tabs.

Data Item Description
BCWS For a given period's set of BCWS forecasts, the forecasted BCWScur for each future period.
ETC For a given period's set of ETC forecasts, the forecasted ETCcur for each future period.