Bull's Eye Chart

The Bull’s-Eye chart on the Detail Analysis tab plots both cumulative cost variance percentage and cumulative schedule variance percentage as a single data point for the selected period and each of the eleven prior periods. You can also switch the charted metrics to the cumulative cost performance index and cumulative schedule performance index.

Note: If you open wInsight Analytics from AccessPoint and the Bull's Eye chart does not display, return to AccessPoint, click Favorites & Profile in the upper-right corner of the page, click the Profile tab, and select Full Browser Version in Preferred client. If you open wInsight Analytics in QlikView Desktop, use the Turn on/off WebView option on the View menu to turn on WebView if you want to display the Bull's Eye chart.

Chart Format

The Bull's Eye chart plots the distribution of CV percentage and SV percentage (or CPI and SPI) around a center point that represents the planned cost and schedule performance: 0 variance or performance index of 1.00, depending on the metrics you select for the chart.

Chart Item Description
Numbered data points Each numbered data point is charted using cumulative CV percentage (or CPI) for a period as the vertical coordinate and cumulative SV percentage (or SPI) for that period as the horizontal coordinate.

The numbers indicate the period relative to the currently selected period, which is 0. Data point 1 represents the charted values for one period back, data point 2 represents the charted values for two periods back, and so on.

Both the numbers and the lines connecting the data points help you follow the trend from period to period.

Horizontal axis The horizontal axis displays the range of schedule variance percentages or SPI values.
Vertical axis The vertical axis displays the range of cost variance percentages or CPI values.
Chart quadrants The chart quadrant in which a period data point falls provides a general indicator of cumulative performance as of that period. For example, if a data point falls in the upper-left quadrant, the selected element or elements are under cost but behind schedule.
Colored areas The colored background areas enable you to assess performance for a period against the performance thresholds defined in wInsight. A legend at the bottom of the tab displays the thresholds.
Central rectangle Data points within the rectangle at the center of the chart are within 10 percent (plus or minus) of 0 variance for both metrics or, if you chart CPI and SPI, within .1 of a 1.0 performance index for both metrics.

Chart Data

The Bull's Eye chart displays the following data for the period selected in Period and eleven prior periods:

Data Item Description
CV percentage The cumulative cost variance percentage (in decimal format: 10 percent = 0.10) for the selected periods (if you select the Percent option at the top of the chart).
SV percentage The cumulative schedule variance percentage (in decimal format: 10 percent = 0.10) for the selected periods (if you select the Percent option at the top of the chart).
CPI The cumulative cost performance index for the selected periods (if you select the Index option at the top of the chart).
SPI The cumulative schedule performance index for the selected periods (if you select the Index option at the top of the chart).

To see the actual variance percentages or index values for a data point, position the mouse pointer on the data point. The period and the variance values for that period display in a data box.