Alerts by Element Table

The Alerts by Element table on the Data Validation tab displays a row for each lowest-level structure element, control account, or work package for which one of the validation checks resulted in validation alerts. You can click in any of the table columns to focus the analytics on a specific validation check or element that you are interested in.

Table Format

The Alerts by Element table is a straight (non-pivot) table. You can double-click any column heading to sort the rows based on the values in that column. You can also drag columns to a new location to change their order.

Table Data

The level at which wInsight Analytics makes the validation checks is based on your selection in Element Type: lowest-level of the selected structure, control account level, or work package level. The Alerts by Element table contains one row for each element for which a data validation alert exists. An element with alerts for more than one validation check appears once for each alert.

Data Item Description
Validation type Category of validation check for which at least one validation check resulted in an alert
Data validation check Data validation check that resulted in an alert.
Control account, lowest element, or work package Control account, lowest-level structure element, or work package for which the validation check resulted in an alert.
Number of alerts The number of lowest-level structure elements, control accounts, or work packages for which the validation check resulted in an alert.