Data Validation Checks

wInsight Analytics applies a standard set of validity checks to the data for the period you select and alerts you to errors, warnings, unrealistic forecasts, or other conditions of interest. Those validity checks are grouped in categories called validation types.

Validation Types

Validation checks vary in potential severity. By default, each validation check is assigned to one of the following types to help you focus on the most important data integrity issues:

  • Error — Usually requires corrective action.
  • Warning — Requires investigation to determine if corrective action is needed.
  • EAC unrealistic — Requires investigation to determine if corrective action is needed.
  • Informational — Indicates a budget or forecast change or possible area of concern.

Your wInsight Analytics system administrator may implement a different set of validation types for your firm.

Validation Checks

Deltek provides a set of standard data validation checks with wInsight Analytics. Each of the validation checks is assigned to a validation type. These default validation checks are described in the remainder of this topic.

During the configuration process, however, your wInsight Analytics system administrator can select which of the default validation checks your firm will use. He or she can also assign the validation checks to different validation types or add entirely new validation checks.

Validation Checks: Errors

Conditions identified by these checks usually require corrective action.

Validation Check Description
ACWPcum > EAC Cumulative ACWP is greater than LRE.
ACWPcum with no BAC Cumulative ACWP is greater than 0, but BAC is empty.
ACWPcur with no BAC Current ACWP is greater than 0, but BAC is empty.
ACWP on completed work Cumulative BCWP equals BAC, current BCWP is 0, and ACWP is greater than 0.
BAC or BCWP inconsistency Cumulative BCWP is greater than (BAC + 1).
BAC or BCWS inconsistency Cumulative BCWS is greater than (BAC + 1).
Completed work with ETC Cumulative BCWP equals BAC, and LRE – Cumulative ACWP is greater than 1.
Incomplete work without ETC Cumulative BCWP is less than BAC, and LRE – Cumulative ACWP is less than or equal to 0.
Negative BAC BAC is less than 0.
Negative Cum ACWP Cumulative ACWP is less than 0.
Negative Cum BCWP Cumulative BCWP is less than 0.
Negative Cum BCWS Cumulative BCWS is less than 0.
Negative EAC LRE is less than 0.
No BAC BAC is 0.
No EAC LRE is 0.
Task complete, but ACWP does not equal EAC Percent complete is 100, Current BCWP is 0, and Cumulative ACWP does not equal LRE.

Validation Checks: Warnings

Conditions identified by these checks usually require investigation to determine if corrective action is needed.

Validation Check Description
ACWP charged to unopened task Cumulative BCWP is 0, and Cumulative ACWP is greater than 0.
ACWP increase without BCWP increase Cumulative ACWP for the selected period is greater than Cumulative ACWP for the prior period, and Cumulative BCWP for the selected period equals Cumulative BCWP for the prior period.
BAC change without EAC Change BAC for the selected period does not equal BAC for the prior period, and LRE for the selected period equals LRE for the prior period.
BCWP increase without ACWP increase Cumulative BCWP for the selected period is greater than Cumulative BCWP for the prior period, and Cumulative ACWP for the selected period equals Cumulative ACWP for the prior period.
BCWP with no ACWP Cumulative BCWP has a value, but cumulative ACWP is empty.
Negative BCWPcur Cumulative BCWP is less than 0.
Negative BCWScur Cumulative BCWS is less than 0.
Negative current period ACWP Current ACWP is less than 0.

Validation Checks: EAC Unrealistic

Conditions identified by these checks usually require investigation to determine if corrective action is needed.

Validation Check Description
CPI-TCPI < -0.05 CPI – TCPI is less than -0.05.
CPI-TCPI > 0.05 CPI – TCPI is greater than 0.05.
EAC not within range of CPI and CPI*SPI Forecasts Cumulative CPI Forecast is greater than LRE – Cumulative ACWP, or LRE – Cumulative ACWP is greater than CPISPI.
Possible inconsistency in EAC Cumulative CPI Forecast is greater than LRE.

Validation Checks: Informational

Conditions identified by these checks indicate a budget or forecast change or possible area of concern.

Validation Check Description
ACWP equals BAC Cumulative ACWP equals BAC.
ACWP exceeds BAC Cumulative ACWP is greater than BAC.
BAC change BAC for the prior period does not equal BAC for the selected period.
EAC change LRE for the prior period does not equal LRE for the selected period.
Task complete Cumulative BCWP equals BAC, and Current BCWP is greater than 0.