Statistical and Independent Forecasts Table

To help you forecast future costs by element, the Statistical and Independent Forecasts table on the Future Forecast tab displays values for all independent EAC formulas included in wInsight Analytics, along with any user-specified EAC values.

Table Format

The Statistical and Independent Forecasts table is a straight table. You can double-click any column heading to sort the rows based on the values in that column. You can also drag columns to a new location to change their order.

Table Data

The level at which wInsight Analytics calculates these metric values is based on your selection in Element Type: lowest-level of the selected structure, control account level, or work package level.

Column Description
MovAvg3 EAC calculated using the three-period moving average CPI: ACWP + (BAC – BCWP) / CPI 3-period moving average
MovAvg6 EAC calculated using six-period moving average CPI: ACWP + (BAC – BCWP) / CPI 6-period moving average
CurCpiFc EAC calculated using current period CPI: ACWP + (BAC – BCWP) / CPIcur
CumCpiFc EAC calculated using cumulative CPI: ACWP + (BAC – BCWP) / CPIcum
CpiSpi EAC calculated using a composite of CPI and SPI: ACWP + [(BAC – BCWP) / (CPI * SPI)]
EAC Realism EAC realism indicator. 1 = EAC appears to be unrealistic. 0 = EAC appears to be realistic. If TCPI differs from CPI more than positive or negative 0.10, this column contains 1.
WtCostSch EAC calculated using the weighted cost and schedule formula: ACWPcum + [(BAC – BCWPcum) / ((Cost weight factor * CPI) + (Schedule weight factor * SPI))]

The cost weight factor is specified in wInsight Analytics Administrator, and the schedule weight factor is calculated as 1 – Cost weight factor. For example, a commonly used set of weight factors are 0.8 for cost and 0.2 for schedule.

PerfFctr EAC calculated using a user-input performance factor: ACWP + [(BAC – BCWP) * performance factor]

The performance factor is specified in wInsight Analytics Administrator.

LinRegr EAC calculated using linear regression: straight line regression (BCWP vs. ACWP)
UserEac User-specified most likely EAC that is calculated using one of the statistical formulas selected specifically for that element or that the user calculates and enters for that element
Micom EAC calculated using a composite of six-period moving average CPI and SPI: ACWP + (BAC – BCWP) / (CPI 6-period moving average * SPI)