Alerts by Structure Level Table

The Alerts by Structure Level table on the Data Validation tab displays the number of elements for which each data validation check resulted in validation alerts. You can click on a row in the Data Validation Check column to focus the analytics on the results of one of the validation checks.

Table Format

The Alerts by Structure Level table is a pivot table. In pivot tables, you cannot change the order of data in the table as you can with most other tables in wInsight Analytics.

To drill down to alert counts by validation check for an element, click  in that element's cell in the first column of the table.

Table Data

The level at which wInsight Analytics makes the validation checks is based on your selection in Element Type: lowest-level of the selected structure, control account level, or work package level. The Alerts by Structure Level table displays the number of elements of the selected element type for which data validation checks resulted in validation alerts. When you display the table for a higher level, it rolls up the number of alerts from the selected element type level to get the number of alerts for the higher level.

Data Item Description
Structure element An element at the selected level of the structure (for example, an element at level 2 of the WBS) for which the data validation checks resulted in one or more alerts for lowest-level structure elements, control accounts, or work packages.

Click next to the first column heading to select the structure level for which you want to display validation alert counts.

To drill down to alert counts by validation check for an element, click  in that element's cell in the first column of the table.

Data validation check The data validation checks that resulted in one or more alerts for lowest-level structure elements, control accounts, or work packages associated with that structure element.

Use and to drill down to or drill up from alert counts by individual validation check.

Nmber of alerts The number of lowest-level structure elements, control accounts, or work packages associated with that structure element for which the validation check resulted in an alert.