Trending Values Table

The Trending Values table on the Emerging Issues tab in wInsight Analytics – Single Project displays color-coded performance trend indicators along with the actual schedule variances, cost variances, or variances at completion for 6 or 12 periods up to and including the currently selected period.

You can use the companion table, Trending Arrows, to see whether a variance represents a significant positive or negative change from the prior period.

Table Format

The Trending Values table is a straight table. Unlike in most straight tables, however, you cannot sort the rows based on the values in a column and you cannot drag columns to new locations.

Use the 6-Months and 12-Months options to specify the number of prior period columns you want in the table.

Table Data

Right-click in the column heading for the Level column to select the structure level of the elements you want to display.

The Trending Values table displays the following for each element for each of the included periods:

Data Item Description
SV, CV, or VAC by period Each period column displays the selected variance amount for that period on a color-coded background that indicates performance against thresholds. Click near the upper-left corner of the table one or more times to select the variance you want: SV, CV, or VAC. Use the Cumulative and Current options above the table to display cumulative or current variances.

The colors are determined by the change threshold settings that your wInsight system administrator establishes for each contract in wInsight.

A legend at the bottom of the tab displays the thresholds.