KPI Summary Dashboard

The KPI Summary dashboard is your gateway to CFO Dashboards. Scan the analytics in the six summary areas of the dashboard to get an initial take on the overall financial health of your enterprise. From the KPI Summary dashboard, use the Show Details links or the CFO Dashboards tabs to take your analysis to a more detailed level.

Impact of Options on Other Dashboards

If you go to one of the detail dashboards, select an option, and then return to the KPI Summary dashboard, the option you selected on the detail dashboard is now reflected in the related summary area on the KPI Summary dashboard.

For example, by default the bullet graphs in the Projects Summary area of the KPI Summary dashboard display data for the current fiscal period. If you go to the Projects dashboard and select the YTD option and then return to the KPI Summary dashboard, the bullet graphs now display year-to-date data. Note also that, because the Period and YTD options apply to a number of financial metrics in CFO Dashboards, selecting one of these options on the Projects detail dashboard, for example, also selects it for other detail dashboards and other summary areas on the KPI Summary dashboard that display data based on fiscal period or year.

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