Clear Filter Selections

If you have applied filters to the dashboards, you have several options if you want to clear some or all of those filters.

To clear one or more filters, complete the following step:

Do one of the following:
  • To clear an individual filter selection when it is the only selection in the list, click it to remove the selection.
  • To clear an individual filter selection when there are multiple selections in the list and you want to retain the others, press the CTRL key while you click the selection you want to clear.
  • To clear all filter selections and return the analytics tab to its default filtered state, either click Clear on the toolbar, or right-click anywhere on the dashboard except on a filter list, and click Clear on the shortcut menu.
  • To clear all filter selections, including those that are set by default for the analytics, right-click anywhere on the analytics tab except on a filter list, and click Clear All Selections on the shortcut menu.
  • To return to a previous filtered view of the data, click on the analytics toolbar one or more times. If you use to go to an earlier view, you can click to return to a more recent view.

    Note that these options move you between views of data by restoring previous filter selections. They do not affect any other selections (selections made using , for example), nor do they move you back to the previous analytics tab.

  • To clear the selections for one filter list, right-click anywhere on that list, and click Clear on the shortcut menu.
  • To clear the selections for all filter lists except one, right-click anywhere on the list for which you want to preserve the selections, and click Clear Other Fields on the shortcut menu.

    This clears selections in all filter lists except the filter list from which you selected the action.