What If Analysis Table

Use the What If Analysis table to investigate "what if" pool cost and pool base scenarios for selected cost pools.

For each selected cost pool, the What If Analysis table displays actual pool cost, base amount, and indirect rate (Actual pool cost / Actual pool base amount). The slider controls next to the table enable you to increase or decrease pool costs, base amounts, or rates by up to 10 percent. When you drag the slider to apply an adjustment to pool cost, for example, the indirect rates are adjusted accordingly. The results of these "what if" scenarios display in the What If… table columns:
  • What If Pool Cost: Actual pool cost x What if percentage

  • What If Adjustment (for pool cost): Actual pool cost - What if pool cost

  • What If Pool Base: Actual pool base amount x What if percentage

  • What If Adjustment (for pool base): Actual pool base amount - What if pool base amount

  • What If Pool Rate: What if pool cost / What if pool base

Note: If you adjust the pool rate, the table calculates an adjusted "what if" amount for pool cost only. Pool base is not affected in this case.

Period and Year-to-Date Amounts and Rates

If you select the YTD option, the table displays actual year-to-date costs, base amounts, and rates.

If you select the Period option, the table displays actual costs, base amounts, and rates for the current period.

Filter Options

Use the filter lists on the left side of the dashboard to...
  • Select the company for which you want to analyze indirect rates
  • Focus the table on one or more types of cost pools

Export to Excel

To export the data in this table to a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet, click in the upper-right corner of the table.