Historical Pipeline Chart

The Historical Pipeline chart displays monthly historical pipeline in a stacked bar chart. Each segment in a stacked bar represents the pipeline amount at that point in time for opportunities that were assigned to that stage. The final bar is for the current month through today's date.

To see the pipeline data for a specific stage and month, position the mouse pointer over that segment. When you do, CFO Dashboards displays the month and year, stage name, and pipeline amount.

Pipeline Amounts

Pipeline amounts can be either unweighted or weighted based on probability:
  • The unweighted pipeline amount for a stage and month is the sum of the estimated revenue amounts for the opportunities assigned to the stage at the end of that month.
  • The weighted pipeline amount for a stage and month is the sum of the weighted estimated revenue amounts for the opportunities assigned to the stage at the end of that month: Weighted estimated revenue = Estimated revenue X Probability as of the end of the month.

Use the Pipeline Probability Weighting options on the dashboard to switch between weighted and unweighted pipeline amounts.

Opportunities Included in Historical Pipeline?

Which opportunities are included in the historical pipeline for a month is based on the stage each opportunity was assigned to at the end of that month. Your system administrator specifies which stages are included in current pipeline, either when configuring Capture Analytics or, if your firm does not use Capture Analytics, when extracting data from an alternative data source. Opportunities that were assigned to a current pipeline stage at the end of a month are automatically included in the calculation of historical pipeline amounts for that month, and opportunities that were not assigned to one of those stages are not included.

For example, if your firm has a Won stage but does not want to include won contracts in pipeline amounts, the system administrator does not include that stage, and the opportunities assigned to that stage at the end of a month are excluded from historical pipeline amounts for that month.

Filter Options

Use the Probability > option and the filter lists on the left side of the dashboard to focus the chart on...
  • Opportunities with a win probability greater than a specified percentage.
  • Opportunities that are associated with a specific company (if your firm has multiple companies in Costpoint).
  • Opportunities that are associated with one or more specific organization codes. Use the icon at the top of the Org filter list to display organization codes for all levels of the organization structure or only the organization codes for a specific level. (If ~No Value~ displays in the Org list, it indicates that one or more opportunities are not assigned to an organization. You can select ~No Value~ to focus the chart on those opportunities.)
  • Opportunities that are associated with selected clients.
  • Specific types of opportunities.