Cash and AR/DSO Dashboard

The Cash and AR/DSO dashboard enables you to monitor cash balances and analyze performance in the related areas of cash flow, accounts receivable aging, and days sales outstanding (DSO).

The cash analytics pair a summary of the current cash status with supporting detail by cash account. The Cash Trending line chart traces how deposits, disbursements, and cash balance have trended over the current fiscal year, and the Cash Waterfall chart supplements that information with a period-by-period visual representation of the effects of deposits and disbursements on cash balance.

Similarly, the AR analytics prominently display current balances for each of your AR aging ranges and then broaden your view to include trends in total AR and in the balance for each aging range for the current fiscal year. And you can drill down to evaluate AR for specific organizations.

Use the DSO analytics to do the following:
  • Monitor how quickly your customers are paying for billed goods and services.
  • Ensure that your unbilled revenue does not climb to an unacceptable level.
  • Judge the effectiveness of your collection procedures.
  • Evaluate whether current customer payment practices are in line with your cash flow needs.
  • Review period-by-period DSO values to ensure that they are trending in the right direction.

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