Opportunities Lost Table

The Opportunities Lost table displays a list of the opportunities for which you most recently failed to win the contract, with the most recent at the top of the list. The table shows the month and year of the loss and the unweighted estimated revenue for each lost opportunity.

In Number of Opportunities to Display above the table, enter the number of opportunities you want to display in this table and in each of its two companion tables.

Opportunity Selection

Opportunities are selected based on their loss date. Opportunity records can contain multiple date fields; your system administrator specifies the date field that is used, either when configuring Capture Analytics or, if your firm does not use Capture Analytics, when he or she sets up the data import process. For example, if your system administrator selects the award date, the lost opportunities with the most recent award dates are selected.

If your firm uses Capture Analytics, which opportunities are considered lost opportunities can be based on stage assignments, on values in other data fields, or on a combination of stage and another field value. Your system administrator specifies how to determine lost opportunities when configuring Capture Analytics. If your firm does not use Capture Analytics, whether an opportunity is a lost opportunity is based on stage assignment only. Your system administrator specifies the stages to which lost opportunities are assigned when he or she sets up the data import process.

Filter Options

Use the filter lists on the left side of the dashboard to focus the table on...
  • Opportunities that are associated with a specific company (if your firm has multiple companies in Costpoint).
  • Opportunities that are associated with one or more specific organization codes. Use the icon at the top of the Org filter list to display organization codes for all levels of the organization structure or only the organization codes for a specific level. (If ~No Value~ displays in the Org list, it indicates that one or more opportunities are not assigned to an organization. You can select ~No Value~ to focus the table on those opportunities.)
  • Opportunities that are associated with selected clients.
  • Specific types of opportunities.

The Probability > filter option does not apply to this table.