Fixed Assets

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Fixed Assets report.

The Fixed Assets report is used to list central asset adjustment amounts for each asset in the stock. In Maconomy, assets adjustments are divided into different types and sub-groups. This report provides details on the asset transactions, such as acquisitions or depreciations, and the reason for each transaction.

This report accounts for the following measures:

  • Asset adjustment types - These are controlled by the asset entry's transaction type.
    • Acquisition
    • Improvement
    • Write-Up
    • Write-Down
    • Depreciation (including Corrections)
    • Tax Depreciation
  • Asset adjustment subgroups - For each type, we then combine to form:
    • Addition - When the sub-group is neither Transfer nor Relocation, and the amount is positive.
    • Transfer - When the sub-group is either Transfer or Relocation. The amount can be positive or negative.
    • Disposal - When the sub-group is neither Transfer nor Relocation, and the amount is negative.
  • Book value - This is the summation of all asset transactions applied to the asset. The formula of an asset's book value is:

    Book Value = Acquisition + Improvements + Write-Ups - Write-Downs - Depreciations.

  • Depreciation and Tax Depreciation - Depreciation and Tax Depreciation cannot both occur for one asset. A separate entry is created in the report for depreciations on each asset. The formula for the tax depreciation of an asset's book value is:

    Book Value = Acquisition + Improvements + Write-Ups - Write-Downs - Depreciations.

Furthermore, we can divide depreciations into those related to Job Cost or the General Ledger.

Top-Level Header Header Title Description
Asset No. This column displays the asset number.
Descr. This column displays the description of the asset.
Group This column displays the group of the asset.
Book Value Date This column displays the book value as of the date before the From Date (for example, the period we select).
Period date interval Additions This column displays the sum of additions to the asset within the selected period. Additions include acquisitions, improvement, and write-ups added.
Disposals This column displays the sum of disposals of assets done within the selected period. Disposals include acquisition disposals, improvement disposals, write-up disposals, write-down disposals, and depreciation disposals.
Asset Sale This column displays the sum of asset sales done within the selected period, such as the sum of sales prices for disposed assets. The value displayed here does not contribute to the closing book value as it is implicitly part of the disposals figure.
Gains/Losses on Sale This column displays the sum of gains and losses in context of assets that were disposed as a sale. This value is calculated as the Asset Sale minus the book value, which the asset had at the time it was disposed through a sale.
Depreciations / Tax Depreciations This column displays the sum of depreciations done within the selected period. If you enable Use Tax Depreciation in the selection criteria, this column displays the sum of tax depreciations done within the selected period. This column also displays corrections, as well as corrections in Maconomy that are corrections to depreciations/tax depreciations.
Transfers This column displays the sum of transfers done within the selected period. The values displayed highly depend on filtering on dimensions. For example, the transfer of assets from one location to another will appear as zero in this column, unless the user restricts to see only assets belonging to one of the locations.
Write-Downs This column displays the sum of write-downs done within the selected period.
Book Value Date This column displays the book value as of the end date in the period selected. The book value is equal to the opening book value plus Additions, Disposals and Transfers, minus Depreciations and Write-Downs. Note that Disposals appear as negative values.
Depreciations / Tax Depreciations Total This column displays the sum of depreciations done within the selected period. If you enable Use Tax Depreciation in the selection criteria, this column displays the sum of tax depreciations done within the selected period. This column also displays corrections, as well as corrections in Maconomy that are corrections to depreciations/tax depreciations.