Utilization Transactions

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Utilization Transactions report.

The Utilization Transactions report displays the individual job entries and job invoice lines that constitute the amounts displayed on the other Utilization reports.

Column Description
Entry Date This column displays the entry date of the job entry or job invoice line.
Task, Name This column displays the task name of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Task, Description This column displays the task description of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Activity Type This column displays the activity type of the job entry or job invoice line (for example, Time for time activities.)
Employee No. This column displays the employee number of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Employee Name This column displays the employee name of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Registered, Quantity This column displays the number of hours or quantity entered, depending on the activity type.
Registered, Cost This column displays the amount entered in cost on the job entry or job invoice line.
Invoiced This column displays the contribution to the amount invoiced.
Revenue Recognized This column displays the contribution to the amount of revenue recognized.
WIP This column displays the contribution to the work in progress (WIP).