Cash Receipts

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Cash Receipts report.

The Cash Receipts report lists the amounts that customers have paid. Despite its name, this report includes all kinds of payments, not just cash. (It is by tradition that such a report is called a cash receipts report.) This report displays payments received divided into various periods and ties payments to their corresponding invoices.

The report consists of two tabs:

  • The Cash Receipts by Period tab displays amounts that customers have paid, grouped by time (yesterday, current week, previous week, current month, and so on). This tab also displays the total amount received for the customer.
  • The Cash Receipts by Invoice tabdisplays the amounts that have been paid on invoices and compares the amounts to the original invoice amounts and individual job amounts.

Data in both tabs is grouped by currency and then by account manager.

All figures are displayed in the currency of the company, customer, or enterprise, depending on what you select.

There are no drill-down levels for this report.

Cash Receipts by Period Tab

Column Description
Customer No. This column displays the number of the customer that paid the amounts.
Customer Name This column displays the name of the customer that paid the amounts.
Yesterday This column displays the amount paid on the day before the end date of the date interval. Only figures with an Entry Date within the date interval are included.
Week to Date This column displays the amount paid within the current week, up to and including the end date of the date interval. Only figures with an Entry Date within the date interval are included.
Prev. Week This column displays the amount paid within the week prior to the week of the end date of the date interval. Only figures with an Entry Date within the date interval are included.
Month to Date This column displays the amount paid within the current month, up to and including the end date of the date interval. Only figures with an Entry Date within the date interval are included.
Prev. Month This column displays the amount paid within the previous month according to the end date of the date interval. Only figures with an Entry Date within the date interval are included.
YTD This column displays the amount paid in the year to date, which is defined as the period from the beginning of the calendar year up to and including the end date of the date interval. The year-to-date figures are not restricted by the starting date of the date interval as other figures are.
Customer to Date This column displays the amount paid in total by the customer up to and including the end date of the date interval. The figures are not restricted by the starting date of the date interval as the preceding figures are.

Cash Receipts by Invoice Tab

Column Description
Customer No. This column displays the number of the customer that paid the amounts.
Customer Name This column displays the name of the customer that paid the amounts.
Job No. This column displays the number of the job associated with the payments.
Job Name This column displays the name of the job associated with the payments.
Cash Deposit, Date This column displays the date of the cash deposit provided by the customer and related to the job in question.
Cash Deposit, Amount This column displays the amount of the cash deposit provided by the customer and related to the job in question.
Invoice No. This column displays the number of the invoice being paid. Only entries within the date interval are included.
Invoice Date This column displays the date of the invoice being paid. Only entries within the date interval are included.
Invoiced This column displays the invoiced amount being paid. Only entries within the date interval are included.
Paid This column displays the amount paid on the day before the end date of the date interval. Only figures with an Entry Date within the date interval are included.
Cash Discount This column displays the total amount discounted from the initial invoiced price when invoices were reconciled.
Balance This column displays the total due amount, according to the date interval not yet paid or reconciled.