
This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Realization report.

The Realization report compares entered amounts and hours for invoicing with actually entered, realized, and invoiced figures. The report outlines the realization aspect of employee utilization by displaying the number of hours and billing price actually realized and invoiced, compared to what was entered.

The hours and amounts that are entered for invoicing are often the same as those derived for standard billing prices. However, you can set Maconomy up so that someone, such as a project manager, can provide suggested numbers and prices as part of the workflow.

Column Description
No & Name This column displays the number and name of the current drill-down level. Drill-downs for this column are based on the dimensions of the employees. The drill-down levels are:
  • Company
  • Location
  • Employee Category
  • Employee
  • Job
Hours, Realization This column displays the realization percentage for hours, which is the total number of invoiceable hours (including the number of hours that are entered but not yet invoiced) divided by the number of entered hours.
Hours, Invoiced This column displays the number of hours invoiced.
Hours, Registered This column displays the number of hours entered.
Billing Price, Realization This column displays the realization percentage for billing price, which is the total amount of recognized revenue divided by the total billing price entered.
Billing Price Invoiced This column displays the total amount invoiced.
Billing Price Registered This column displays the total billing price entered.
Billing Price Inv. % This column displays the invoicing percentage, which is the total amount invoiced divided by the total amount entered on invoiceable jobs and activities.
Open, Hours This column displays the number of open hours (not yet invoiced).
Open Billing Price This column displays the total open billing price (the entered billing price not yet invoiced).