Customer Invoices

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Customer Invoices report.

The Customer Invoices report displays amount and status information for individual invoices.

This report is a sub report of the Customer Invoice Status report. You can link to this report by clicking the Invoiced column on the Customer Invoice Status report.

  • The Balance column links to the Customer Statement report.
  • The Customer title links to the Customers workspace.
  • The Invoiced Amount column links to the Job Invoices workspace.

The top filter should contain only the selected invoice and should be compacted. The focus pane is Home/Overview.

Column Description
Invoice This column displays the entry invoice's number and name.
Customer No. This column displays the customer's identification number.
Customer Name This column displays the customer's name.
Invoice Date This column displays the date of the invoice.
Due Date This column displays the due date of the entry.
Amount This column displays the invoiced amount.
On Account This column displays Yes if the invoice is on account and No if the invoice is not on account.
Balance This column displays the amount invoiced minus the amount paid.
Paid This column displays Yes if the invoice is fully paid and No if the invoice is not fully paid.
Time until Paid This column displays the number of days from the date the invoice was issued until the date on which it was fully paid.
Blocking Type This column displays the blocking type.
Blocking Reason This column displays the reason for blocking.