General Ledger

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the General Ledger report.

The General Ledger report provides details on all postings done when you select a specific fiscal period or interval of fiscal periods. It provides the opening balance, posted entries, and closing balance for each account.

This report can be accessed as a standalone report, or from the Balance Sheet report.

You can display amounts in account, company, or enterprise currency, or using a selected reporting currency. Amounts are grouped by currency, company, and account.

Note: The year-period restrictions provided in the report vary according to fiscal periods. If you are working with odd fiscal years, these restrictions are different from the year-month restrictions applied in the corresponding Maconomy client report because that report works in calendar months.
Column Description
Entry This column displays the date the finance entry was created
Posting This column displays the date the finance entry was posted.
Transaction No. This column displays the transaction number of the transaction to which the finance entry was posted.
Type This column displays the transaction type of the transaction to which the finance entry was posted.
Entry Text This column displays the entry text of the finance entry.
Journal No. This column displays the journal number of the journal to which the finance entry was posted.
Opening Debit This column displays the closing debit from the previous fiscal period.
Opening Credit This column displays the closing credit from the previous fiscal period.
Opening Balance This column displays the opening credit for the current fiscal period. It is calculated as the Opening Debit amount minus the Opening Credit amount.
Debit This column displays the debit transactions for the selected fiscal period.
Credit This column displays the credit transactions for the selected fiscal period.
Balance This column displays the total balance for the selected fiscal period. It is calculated as the Debit transactions minus the Credit transactions.
Closing Debit This column displays the total closing balance for the selected fiscal period. It is calculated as the Opening Debit amount plus the Debit transactions for the selected fiscal period.
Closing Credit This column displays the total closing balance for the selected fiscal period. It is calculated as the Opening Credit amount plus the Credit transactions for the selected fiscal period.
Closing Balance This column displays the total closing balance for the selected fiscal period. It is calculated as the Closing Debit amount minus the Closing Credit amount.