
This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Opportunities report.

The Opportunities report displays individual opportunities, their current phase, contact company information, sales estimates, and so on.

You can display amounts in the currency of the opportunity or the currency of the company.

  • The Contact Company No. column links to the Contact Companies workspace.
  • The Opportunity No. column links to the Opportunities workspace.
Column Description
Contact Company No This column displays the contact company's identification number.
Contact Company Name This column displays the contact company's name.
Opportunity No. This column displays the opportunity's identification number.
Opportunity Description This column displays a description of the opportunity.
Opportunity Exp. Closing Date This column displays the expected closing date of the opportunity.
Sales Person No. This column displays the employee number of the sales person for the opportunity.
Sales Person Name This column displays the employee name of the sales person for the opportunity.
Sales Estimate This column displays the total sales estimate of the opportunity.
Weighted Sales Estimate This column states the weighted sales estimate of the opportunity.
Sales Estimate Currency This column displays the currency of the sales estimate of the opportunity.